What are types of Strategy in Strategic management?

In an organization, the strategy can be divided into three main categories or types based on hierarchy or level. These ...
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Types of Strategies in Strategic Management

Strategic management is the key to the long-term growth of a company. It means coming up with, implementing, and keeping ...
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What is Sampling?

Sampling refers to choosing elements of the population for data collection. Samples are the subset of the population representing the population. ...
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Thematic Analysis for Qualitative Research

Thematic analysis is a technique used to analyze qualitative data. It is not the only technique used to analyze and interpret ...
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Understanding Positivism and Causal Research

Understanding Positivism and Causal Research is essential for anyone engaged in scientific inquiry and research endeavors. However, Positivism, characterized by ...
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Measurement Scales in Research

In this article, we will discuss about Measurement Scales in Research. Research involves studying qualitative and quantitative variables. Qualitative variables cannot be ...
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What is Pragmatism?

Before discussing Pragmatism, it is important to understand Positivism and interpretivism. These are two different research philosophies used in research. Positivism is ...
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What is Deductive and Inductive Reasoning?

Deductive Reasoning There are two reasoning styles widely used in research methodology, deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning is associated ...
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What is Positivism in Research?

Positivism is a research philosophy. It studies the social world using a scientific approach. Positivism believes in using a scientific, ...
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Pay Back Period (PBP)-An Overview and Examples

What is Pay Back Period (PBP)? Pay Back Period (PBP) is an investment appraisal technique known as the capital budgeting technique. ...
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